Jenn Hugunin shares her journey as a mom navigating the system

Jenn Hugunin shares her journey as a mom navigating the system

Jenn Hugunin shares her journey as a mom navigating the system

Our very own Cognoan, Jenn Hugunin, shares her journey as a mom navigating the system, from initial developmental concerns about her child to diagnosis and next steps, with all the ups and downs along the way. Jenn’s experience mirrors that of most families: long waitlists, unclear direction, and inadequate clinical help are all unfortunately part the status quo. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Jenn explains how Canvas Dx can change the narrative.

I wish I had Canvas Dx: a mom's journey from initial concern to autism diagnosis for her son from Cognoa, Inc. on Vimeo.

#AutismAwareness #AutismJourney #CanvasDx #Cognoa #EarlyIntervention #Earlyiseverything #parentsofautism