Performance Metrics

A Highly Accurate Yes or No

We developed and trained Canvas Dx AI using data of thousands of children from across geographies with diverse backgrounds, presentations, and comorbidities. That’s why Canvas Dx is able to produce a highly accurate diagnostic prediction, helping clinicians efficiently and definitively diagnose or rule out autism in young children with concern for developmental delay.

Shorter Path to Diagnosis

Canvas Dx shortens the diagnostic journey by supporting rapid decision-making during the critical early childhood years of high neuroplasticity when early interventions have the greatest life-changing impact.

Current Real World Device Performance1

Negative for Autism

Negative Predictive Value (NPV)


Positive for Autism

Positive Predictive Value (PPV)



Performance validation compares Canvas Dx output to blinded specialist diagnosis using DSM-5 criteria.


Canvas Dx performance exceeded the minimum NPV & PPV set for the pivotal study.


Canvas Dx produces a highly accurate determinate output of negative or positive for autism.

When it doesn’t know, it says so

Canvas Dx deliberately abstains from making a diagnostic prediction when there is insufficient information to provide a highly accurate positive or negative output. This is an important safety mechanism to reduce the risk of false classifications. This means that you can have a high level of confidence in the accuracy of a positive or negative result from Canvas Dx.

Equitable performance overcomes biases

Canvas Dx demonstrates equitable performance across race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and geography, thereby tackling existing biases prevalent in autism diagnoses.

“Even when providers or parents suspect autism, the next crucial step of getting to a specialist to confirm the diagnosis is not readily available. Where I work in Mississippi, we only have one or two referral centers in the entire state. To be able to help providers give families the opportunity for an accurate diagnosis, no matter where they are located, is a big deal. With the support of Canvas Dx, we can take the next step from concern to diagnosis. Earlier diagnosis is crucial. Earlier equates to less time worrying and suffering while maximizing the efficacy of interventions, enabling us to improve the outcomes for children and families.”

Rambod Rouhbakhsh, MD, MBA

Principal study investigator & program director at the Forrest General Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program

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