It’s so good to be with you and get a chance to share some things about me.
I just joined the team at Cognoa. You can probably tell, I’m a small – but mighty – agent of Unique-ee-ness. Most days, I’m busy thinking about how I can celebrate kids being extraordinary in all different ways.

Sometimes I get to meet doctors and parents and other famous people who help kids. And hang out with other Cognoans. They are fun, weird, and smart. They really hate waitlists. One of them really likes Hello Kitty. Another really likes David Hasselfhof. Couple good singers and rappers. Biker. Lots of Pittsburgh Steelers fans. Everyone is working hard at getting children the support they need as early as possible along their adventures of quirkiness.
I have quirks, too! I’m a great listener. I’m loud and quiet – all at the same time, sometimes. Oh, and I’m learning to read and tap dance. Those are my emerging powers, my Cognanimom says.

Let’s go couchsurfing now! Everyone’s learning how. Come on a safari with me!