Find a Canvas Dx Provider

Canvas Dx is an FDA authorized diagnostic clinicians use to help diagnose or rule out autism and guide next steps. Learn how Canvas Dx works. Canvas Dx is available by prescription from a healthcare provider. Some providers use Canvas Dx as a fully remote experience, while others require an in-person visit. If you don’t see a provider in your state, there are still steps you can take!

autism path 2 care logo

Autism Path 2 Care offers virtual developmental assessments powered by Canvas Dx to families in California, Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington D.C. Visit their website to learn more.

Find a Provider

Some providers use Canvas Dx as a fully remote experience. Others require an in-person visit.

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    Don’t see a provider in your state?

    We’ll let you know when Canvas Dx is available in your area, and notify your child’s doctor:

    family with doctor

    Tell your doctor about Canvas Dx today

    If you are worried about your child’s developmental progress and/or behaviors, tell your child’s primary care doctor about Canvas Dx. Share this web site with your doctor today:

    Get started with Canvas Dx today. Know more sooner, so you can act earlier.

    We’re here to help, every step of the way.

    Email us at: [email protected]